June 19th, 2022 

Happy Father's Day to all of the dads out there! The kindergarten team hopes you have a relaxing day with your loved ones! 

Each class officially has 4 days of school left! Please take a look at some important updates regarding Sports Day, Casual Days, homework, and the final days of school! 


Sports Day is on Friday June 24th! ALL Kindergarten students will attend on Friday to participate! For Sports Day, each class is assigned a different colour. Students are encouraged to dress in as much of this colour as they can! Take a look below to find your child's assigned colour. 

Mrs. Mancini's Class: TEAM BLACK 

Ms. Stieger's Class: TEAM GREEN 

Ms. Blue's Class: TEAM BLUE 

We will be spending most of the day outside on Friday! Please make sure your child has a full water bottle (labeled with their name), a hat, and proper running shoes. Sunscreen must be applied BEFORE coming to school. We will not be applying sunscreen at school. Students will also be given a Freezie treat halfway through sports day. We can't wait to have some fun! 

Uniforms/Casual Days

Please read below for information on what to wear this week. 

Monday June 20th- FORMAL Uniform day for our final assembly of the year. 

Tuesday June 21st- ORANGE Shirt Day for National Indigenous Day. Students may wear casual pants with their orange shirts. 

Wednesday June 22nd- CASUAL DAY

Thursday June 23rd- CASUAL DAY 

Friday June 24th- SPORTS DAY. Dress in the team colour assigned to your class. 


Homework is officially over for the year! If your child still has homework that has not been completed, please hand this in as soon as possible. Please double check the homework page of the blog to ensure that you have completed all of the homework for the year. 

Final Days of School! 

As we enter the final days of school, kindergarten teachers will be handing back past work, portfolios and other items. If your child is going to be missing any of the final 4 days of school, please let your child's teacher know AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! This is particularly true if they will be missing the last day of school (June 27th or June 28th). We want to ensure that your child is able to take home all of their belongings before summer break. Any unclaimed belongings will be donated or thrown out before teachers leave for the summer. 

Thanks so much for all of your support this year! Please contact your child's teacher if you have any questions about the last few days of school. 

-The Kindergarten Team