June 12th, 2022 

Hello Kindergarten Families, 

Just a few reminders as we get closer to summer break! 

1. ALL library books MUST be returned to the school as soon as possible. Please double check around your house to make sure that there are no library books hiding. 

2. Friday June 24th is SPORTS DAY! Sports Day is an exciting day where students will spend the day participating in different activities set up by Mrs. G. ALL kindergarten students attend school on Friday June 24th. Each class will be assigned a different colour. Stay tuned to the blog next week to find out what colour your child's class will be dressing up in! 

3. The final fun lunch of the year is on Wednesday June 22nd. Please make sure to order by Friday June 17th if your child would like Fun Lunch. Reminder that ONLY Monday/Wednesday students should be ordering! Next year when your child is in Grade 1 they will have the opportunity to order every month as they will be attending school everyday. 

4. This is our LAST week of homework for the year! Please make sure that any late or incomplete homework is handed in to your child's teacher by Friday June 17th at the latest. Homework is a TLC expectation and it must be submitted before summer break. Thank you to all of the parents who have spent time with their children this year to make sure their homework is completed correctly and on time. 

-The Kindergarten Team