June 26th, 2022
There is officially one more day of school left for the kindergarten students. Wow what a year! The time just seemed to fly by. I am so impressed with how much the children have learned and grown since September. I am sad to see the children go and will miss them very much, but I know they will do amazing things in grade one. I will be looking for them in the hall in the fall so I can say 'hi'.
I hope all the kindergarten families have a wonderful relaxing summer!! Thank you for all your support throughout the school year.
Take Care
Mrs. Mancini
June 19th, 2022
Only 4 official days left for the school year!
This past week we popped our number 6 and 5 balloons. Thank you to all the parents who sent a stuffed animal with their child. We had so much fun having a picnic (eating snack) with our stuffies and then we got to measure and weigh them.
**The Tuesday/Thursday group has not yet had a chance to complete the measurement activity with their stuffed animals. I am asking parents to please send a stuffed animal with your child on Tuesday.**
As the school year is quickly coming to an end we have also been reviewing how we have shown kindness throughout the year. Being a Kindness Ninja has been very important and we have loved completing random acts of kindness as a group around the school.
We read the story 'What's My Superpower?' and talked about what kinds of powers we have shown in the classroom that are connected to being kind. The children also got to draw themselves as a super hero. The pictures they drew were adorable!
This is what some of the children had to say:
1. My superpower is saying please and thank you.
2. My superpower is helping others.
3. My superpower is saying kind words.
4. My superpower is giving compliments.
5. My superpower is saying good morning.
I wish all the kindergarten Dads a very Happy Father's Day! The kindergartens and myself hope you enjoy the Rootbeer on your beautifully made coaster. The children were very excited to give you the gift they made.
Parents please make sure to read the BLOG regarding upcoming Casual Days, Sports Day, Orange Shirt Day and Fun Lunch. Next week is full of activity.
Happy Sunday!
Mrs. Mancini
June 12th, 2022
Only 6 school days left until the official start of summer!!
Last week the children got to pop the number 8 and the number 7 balloons as part of our classroom countdown. The children got to have a beach ball party and we also went on a nature hunt!! The weather was perfect for some outside play!!
Looking for ants, worms, butterflies, bees, squirrels and birds!! |
Fun with the beach balls! |
We also had an amazing time learning how to bowl at Toppler Bowl!! We definitely have some professional bowlers in the group. Most of the children scored between 80 and 100 and some of the kindergartens got higher than 100. We learned some bowling skills and showed some kindness by cheering on our team members. We had so much fun!!
The next two and a half weeks will be busy and full of activity. Please make sure to read all emails sent from the school.
Please make sure all library books are sent back this week.
This is the last week for homework. Please make sure your child completes all sheets assigned.
Hope everyone has a great week!
Mrs. Mancini
June 4th, 2022
We are officially counting down the last ten days of school!!
As part of our count down for kindergarten the students get to pop a balloon to see what fun activity we get to do together as a class. Last week for number 10 we got to have a bubble party and for number 9 we went outside and used the magnify glasses for a bug investigation. The weather was beautiful and the children enjoyed playing outside together! We can't wait to see what activities we will do next week!
The Kindness Ninjas also made treat bags for the teachers in the school to help with writing report cards over the weekend. The children were very excited to hand out the surprise with cute pictures and sweet messages that they made to put inside the bags.
The kindergarten children also shared their family pictures and talked about the special people that are part of their lives. The children did an amazing job listening to each other. When the class was done sharing each of the students got to draw a picture of their family in their drawing books.
Next week the kindergartens will be going bowling! I can't wait to see the children's bowling skills. We have been practicing how to roll the ball and knock down the pins in gym class. The kids are super excited!!
Happy Saturday!
Mrs. Mancini
May 28th, 2022
It is hard to believe that we are going into our final month of school. Only four short weeks left for this school year. June is always a busy month, so parents please make sure to read all emails that are sent from school messenger to ensure that you do not miss any important information.
The students will be visiting Topper Bowl during the week of June 6th- 10th. Permission forms were sent home last week in your child's plastic folder. Please make sure all forms are completed and sent back to school on Monday and Tuesday of this coming week.
Information was also sent on Friday to all parents regarding Sports Day. Both kindergarten classes will be attending school on Friday June 24th, please make sure to add this exciting day to your calendar.
During the month of June the kindergarten students will be learning about measurement (length, height, capacity and weight) in Math. We will also be doing an 'All About Me' unit in Social Studies and in Science the children will be learning about dinosaurs.
This past week we learned about the importance of our names. The children listened to the story 'Your Name is A Song'. The story is about a little girl that has a name that is difficult to pronounce, so this makes her feel frustrated. The little girl learns from her mom that she can teach other children how to say her name correctly by singing it.
After reading the story we had fun singing and counting the number of syllables in each of our names. The kindergarten students also shared why they thought their name was amazing and they got to make a special name board during art.
Gurleen- My name is amazing because my grandpa starts with the same letter as me. |
Yaseen- My name is amazing because my friend has the same name. |
In math the children were introduced to measurement. They learned the different rules you have to follow when measuring an object. The students then got to practice measuring how long something was using different manipulatives.
Mini Erasers |
Insect Counters |
Foam Blocks |
After the children practiced their measuring skills they got to work in partners to complete a Playdoh snake activity. They made three different snakes out of Playdoh and then measured the snakes with linking cubes. The kindergartens had to figure out which snake was the longest, which snake was the shortest and record their results. They also worked on their fine motor skills when they rolled out the snakes!!
It was a short week, but we managed to squeeze in a lot of learning!
I hope everyone enjoys the sunshine this weekend!
Mrs. Mancini
May 20th, 2022
This week the children learned about ants in preparation for our field trip to Granary Road. We learned:
- Ants live in a colony
- There are 20, 000 different kinds of ants
- Worker ants build the mound and find food
- The Queen ant lays eggs
- Ants are super strong and can carry 20 times their own weight (that is like a human picking up a car!!).
- Ants don't sleep!!
On Thursday we braved the weather and went to Granary Road. The children were amazing!! It was cold, windy and rainy but the kindergarten students persevered and made it through most of the day!! The children got to visit the ant farm play structure, jumped on the trampolines at the frog pond and got to pet and feed the animals at the farm. It wasn't the best day for a field trip, but the children made the most of it and still had a lot of fun!!
Enjoy the long weekend!
Mrs. Mancini
We also read the story 'The Little Butterfly That Could'. In this funny story we learned that it important to keep trying to do things even if it is hard. We also learned that some types of butterflies migrate 3000 miles to Mexico during the winter. That is really far to fly!!
We learned about the monarch butterfly and how it is black, white and orange. The kindergarten students got to create their own monarch butterfly by following a directed drawing from kids art hub. The children did an amazing job creating their art piece!!
We have also been practicing our letter sounds and sight words through a variety of centres!
In Social Studies the children made 'All About Me' bracelets. Children chose beads based on their age, hair colour, eye colour, if they had any brothers/ sisters or pets. The kindergarten students compared their bracelets to a classmate and shared what was the same and what was different. We then learned about the word 'unique'. The Monday/Wednesday students will have the opportunity to make their bracelets next week.
The children are very excited for the coming week! On Thursday May 19th both the Monday/ Wednesday and Tuesday/ Thursday kindergarten children will come to school to attend our field trip to Granary Road. We will explore this active learning park and learn all about ants, frogs and farm animals. Parents please make sure that all permission forms have been returned to school by Monday and Tuesday of next week. Important information regarding the trip will be emailed to all parents on Wednesday.
This week the kindergartens worked on a top secret project for a very special person in their life! They are very excited and can't wait to share it with the person next Sunday! Stay tuned to see pictures of the completed projects posted next week!
We have also talked about how butterflies are symmetrical and are the same on both sides. Our grade 2 buddies came to visit and helped the kindergarten students colour a butterfly so that the pattern on the wings was symmetrical.
At the end of our shape exploration we learned that a cylinder is the only shape that rolls, stacks and slides. To see what your child knows about 3D shapes, see if they can answer the questions listed below:
We are very excited for our visit to the zoo this week. With help from parents from the other kindergarten classes we were able to get enough volunteers to allow us to go.
We read lots of stories and watched the movie 'The Lorax'. The kindergarten children learned about what it means to reduce, reuse and recycle. We are trying to show the 3 R's in the classroom by reducing the amount of paper we use during craft time by colouring on both sides of the paper. We recycle juice boxes and paper by placing them in the recycling bins and we reused newspaper to complete an Earth Day art project.
The most exciting part of our week was finally being able to visit our grade 2 buddies. Due to Covid we haven't been able to do this for a couple years. The Monday/Wednesday kindergarten students were able to visit Mrs. Korpesio's grade 2 class and the Tuesday/Thursday children visited Mrs. Stephenson's grade 2 students. The kindergartens had so much fun they can't wait to go back. During our time together the grade 2's helped the kindergarten kids complete a directed drawing of The Lorax. Take a look at some of the amazing pictures below!!
Parents just a friendly reminder that all zoo field trip forms need to be returned this week. Please ensure that all information is filled out and the form is placed in your child's plastic folder.
In Science the kindergarten children have been learning about Spring. We have been reading stories and learning about the signs of Spring. Here are what some of the students had to say:
We were so lucky to have such beautiful weather this past week that we also went outside to see if we could spot some signs of Spring in nature. Here are some pictures of what the kindergarten children found.
The kindergarten team is excited to announce that after two years of Covid we have finally been able to book some field trips for the children. We are very excited to take the students to the zoo to attend a presentation on butterflies. At Granary Road the children will learn about ants and spiders and we will also have the opportunity to see some farm animals. Please make sure to read the main page of the BLOG for details. If there are any parents that would like to volunteer for the field trips please email me as soon as possible. All volunteers must have a current police clearance.
We had a ton of fun celebrating St. Patrick's Day! It was a great way to end the week before starting Spring Break. A quick parent reminder that there is no school for all children from Monday March 21st- Friday March 25th.
Parents if you have any of these items in your house (e.g. paper towel rolls, gold glitter, an old lucky charm box, cotton balls etc) that you would like to donate we would be more than happy to use it when we build our trap. You do not need to go and buy any of the supplies. We are just looking for any old items that can be recycled in the classroom.
The kindergartens also got to visit the other kindergarten classrooms. They built towers with 100 stacking cups in Ms. Blue's class and played snakes and ladders with Mrs. Stieger. According to some of the students it was the BEST DAY EVER!!
To end off the week the kindergarten kindness ninjas made an appearance. The children were able to spread some kindness into the Fairview community. They created water colour hearts with special messages. The children were very excited to hang their heart on the fence for the people in the school neighbourhood to see.
I am so proud of all the amazing ideas the children came up with. The kindergarten students are definitely learning how to be fantastic bucket fillers!!
May 14th, 2022
I hope you are enjoying the beautiful sunshine this weekend! It's hard to believe that the end of the school year is fast approaching and we are already in the middle of May!!
This past week we finished up our learning of butterflies. The children learned about the word 'metamorphosis' and got to create the butterfly lifecycle out of coloured pasta.
We learned about the monarch butterfly and how it is black, white and orange. The kindergarten students got to create their own monarch butterfly by following a directed drawing from kids art hub. The children did an amazing job creating their art piece!!
Ishana |
Abisola |
Avir |
We have also been practicing our letter sounds and sight words through a variety of centres!
Playdoh Sight Words |
Letter Sound Picture Match |
I Spy Letter Mats |
Letter Dice/ Picture Drawing F is for Flower |
In Social Studies the children made 'All About Me' bracelets. Children chose beads based on their age, hair colour, eye colour, if they had any brothers/ sisters or pets. The kindergarten students compared their bracelets to a classmate and shared what was the same and what was different. We then learned about the word 'unique'. The Monday/Wednesday students will have the opportunity to make their bracelets next week.
Enjoy the rest of the weekend!
Mrs. Mancini
May 7th, 2022
This past week was filled with excitement!! The children went on a field trip to the Calgary Zoo. We did a scavenger hunt and got to use the school IPads to take pictures of different animals we saw at the zoo. We went to a presentation and learned about the differences between moths and butterflies. We also did lots and lots and lots and lots of walking!!! Parents make sure to have your child tell you their favourite part of the zoo trip and one interesting animal fact they learned while they were there.
Here are some things that the students shared from our trip:
1. Alpacas look like lamas
2. Camels live in Egypt too
3. Red pandas look like racoons
4. A girl lion is called a lioness and doesn't have a mane
5. Canadian Geese are not very nice
6. Komodo dragons are the biggest lizards
7. Giraffes have purple tongues
8. Butterflies taste with their feet
9. Some monkeys don't have tails
10. Flamingos and penguins can't fly
The kindergartens also worked very hard to make some amazing gifts for Mother's Day!! The students were introduced to an art concept called wet felting. They created beautiful flower collages made out of wool. They also drew beautiful Mother's Day self portraits. The children are so excited to share their gifts. They have been counting down the sleeps until Mother's Day!!
I wish all the amazing kindergarten moms a very Happy Mother's Day! I hope you are pampered and spoiled and can enjoy the rest and relaxation that you deserve!!
Mrs. Mancini
May 1st, 2022
This week the kindergartens worked on a top secret project for a very special person in their life! They are very excited and can't wait to share it with the person next Sunday! Stay tuned to see pictures of the completed projects posted next week!
In preparation for our trip to the Calgary Zoo, the children have been learning about insects. We have been reading books and watching videos specifically on butterflies. The kindergartens have been learning about the butterfly life cycle.
We have also talked about how butterflies are symmetrical and are the same on both sides. Our grade 2 buddies came to visit and helped the kindergarten students colour a butterfly so that the pattern on the wings was symmetrical.
In math we are continuing to learn about 3D shapes. This week the children worked in small groups to see what shapes roll, stack and slide.
At the end of our shape exploration we learned that a cylinder is the only shape that rolls, stacks and slides. To see what your child knows about 3D shapes, see if they can answer the questions listed below:
1. How are 2D and 3D shapes different? (2D shapes are flat, 3D shapes are fat or solid)
2. Name some 2D shapes (square, oval, rectangle, crescent, octagon, hexagon, trapezoid)
2. Name some 3D shapes (sphere, cone, cylinder, cube, pyramid, rectangular prism)
3. Give an example of something that is shaped like a sphere. (earth, basketball, marble)
4. Give an example of something that is shaped like a cylinder. (can of soup, paper towel, vase)
5. Which 3D shapes roll? (cone, sphere and cylinder)
Thankfully the sun came out this past week and melted all the snow. The kindergarten students were finally able to hang up their bird feeders around the school yard. They made the bird feeders using WOWbutter (a peanut/nut free spread) and bird seed. The children were very excited to spread some kindness to the small animals and birds in the community.
We are very excited for our visit to the zoo this week. With help from parents from the other kindergarten classes we were able to get enough volunteers to allow us to go.
Please make sure to read the field trip information that has been posted on the main page of the BLOG. An email was also sent to all parents through school messenger.
I look forward to an exciting week with with children!
Mrs. Mancini
April 24th, 2022
This past Friday was 'Earth Day', so we did lots of different activities to celebrate throughout the week! The children learned that it is important to protect the Earth everyday, just not on Earth day!
We read lots of stories and watched the movie 'The Lorax'. The kindergarten children learned about what it means to reduce, reuse and recycle. We are trying to show the 3 R's in the classroom by reducing the amount of paper we use during craft time by colouring on both sides of the paper. We recycle juice boxes and paper by placing them in the recycling bins and we reused newspaper to complete an Earth Day art project.
Take a look at the amazing newspaper earths we created with newspaper, pastel crayons and paint!
Other ideas the children came up with for their Earth Day art projects were:
- turning off the lights when you leave a room
- put your food scraps into the compost bin
- turn off the tap when you brush your teeth
- use a reusable lunch kit and water bottle
- recycle paper and pop cans
- plant trees and flowers
- walk to the park instead of driving your car
As part of our Earth Day discussion we also talked about how we can protect the animals. We learned that it is important to not cut down trees because these are the animal's homes.
For our Kindness Ninja project the kindergarten children made bird feeders. They were very excited to make something that would help feed the birds and small animals around the school. Due to the snow storm this past week we weren't able to hang them, so fingers crossed we can do it this week!
The most exciting part of our week was finally being able to visit our grade 2 buddies. Due to Covid we haven't been able to do this for a couple years. The Monday/Wednesday kindergarten students were able to visit Mrs. Korpesio's grade 2 class and the Tuesday/Thursday children visited Mrs. Stephenson's grade 2 students. The kindergartens had so much fun they can't wait to go back. During our time together the grade 2's helped the kindergarten kids complete a directed drawing of The Lorax. Take a look at some of the amazing pictures below!!
Parents just a friendly reminder that all zoo field trip forms need to be returned this week. Please ensure that all information is filled out and the form is placed in your child's plastic folder.
I still have no volunteers for both the Monday/Wednesday group and Tuesday/Thursday group. Please email me as soon as possible if you are able to come one of those days. I do need 4 volunteers for each day for the children to attend the zoo. If I do not receive enough I will have to cancel the trip.
I appreciate your support!
Mrs. Mancini
April 15th, 2022
We are very excited for the Willy Wonka Concert that is taking place on Thursday April 21st at the First Alliance Church. Please make sure to read all emails sent from the school for important information about performance time, parking at the church, uniform requirements and concert tickets.
I am currently in need of volunteers for the zoo field trips that will take place on Monday May 2nd and Thursday May 5th. I currently have no volunteers at this time. If you are available please email me as soon as possible. I am in need of 4 volunteers for both days.
This week we did some Easter/ Spring activities. Take a look at the pictures below to see the fun we had!!
![]() |
Directed Drawing of a Bunny |
Journal- Carrots are Boring!! If I was a bunny I would really want to eat... beans! |
How Many Eggs Can You Stack Challenge!! |
Making Little Chicks with Paint, Plastic Forks and Feathers! |
Journal- Carrots are Boring!! If I was a bunny I would really want to eat... gummy worms! |
Building 3D Shapes with Clay and Toothpicks We learned about the cube!! **Make sure to check out the art gallery for your child's journal entry and bunny drawing!!** |
We continue to learn about nutrition and healthy eating. An email was sent earlier this week to all parents about sending fruits and vegetables as part of your child's snack. We are currently holding a friendly competition between the Monday/Wednesday and Tuesday/Thursday classes to see which class will bring in the most fruits and vegetables for the month of April. The children are very excited to share what they have brought each day with their classmates!
Next week we will focus on Earth day. The Kindness Ninjas will brainstorm ways we can show love and kindness to the Earth. Stay tuned to see what ideas we come up with!!
Have a restful weekend with your families!
Mrs. Mancini
April 10th, 2022
Thank you to all the parents who are practicing the Willy Wonka songs as part of the nightly homework. The children sound amazing and are so excited to show you their singing skills on concert night.
Parents please ensure that you have returned your yellow ticket form if you would like to attend the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Willy Wonka) Concert on Thursday April 21st at the First Alliance Church. All family members attending must have a ticket.
This week in math the children were introduced to 2D and 3D shapes. They learned that a 2D shape is flat and a 3D shape is fat (or solid). We have been learning about the characteristics of 2D shapes. For example a square and rectangle both have 4 corners and 4 straight sides, however they do no look the same because a square has 4 sides that are all equal and a rectangle has 2 long sides and 2 short sides. The kindergarten children got to create 2D shapes using geoboards.
- It is getting warmer outside because I don't have to wear my winter coat.
- The sun is shining in the morning when I come to school.
- The grass is turning green.
The children got to create a Spring tree in art. They added a directed drawing of a baby deer and also got to add pink tissue paper to their cherry blossom tree. Check out some of the beautiful pictures below:
Henok |
Omar |
The kindergarten team is excited to announce that after two years of Covid we have finally been able to book some field trips for the children. We are very excited to take the students to the zoo to attend a presentation on butterflies. At Granary Road the children will learn about ants and spiders and we will also have the opportunity to see some farm animals. Please make sure to read the main page of the BLOG for details. If there are any parents that would like to volunteer for the field trips please email me as soon as possible. All volunteers must have a current police clearance.
Enjoy the rest of your Sunday!
Mrs. Mancini
April 1st, 2022
Due to my absence this week my BLOG page will not be updated. Please check next week for a new posting.
Parent Reminder- The school performance of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is fast approaching. If you and your family are planning on attending the performance on Thursday April 21st please ensure you have returned your ticket purchase form to the school. You will not be able to attend the performance without purchasing tickets. Information was sent home in your child's plastic folder on Monday March 28th and Tuesday March 29th.
We are also asking parents for help with reviewing the words to the songs that the kindergarten children will be performing. Please click on the Golden Ticket image that is posted on the main page of the BLOG. The link will take you to the music teacher, Mrs. Hawkins BLOG. There you will find a list of the songs, music and words. You will need to scroll down the page to find the three songs the kindergarten children will be singing.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
We are counting down the days until the big performance!!!
Mrs. Mancini
March 17th, 2022
Happy St. Patrick's Day!!
This week was filled with rainbows, the colour green and leprechauns!!
At the beginning of the week the kindergarten students worked together in groups to create leprechaun traps. They did an amazing job sharing their ideas and working together as a team!!
Tuesday/ Thursday Trap #1 |
Tuesday/ Thursday Trap #2 |
Monday/ Wednesday Trap #1 |
Monday/ Wednesday Trap #2 |
The children also made a path and a sign in hopes of luring the leprechaun into the classroom!
The kindergarten students were very hopeful of catching a leprechaun but unfortunately the leprechaun was too smart and got away. Look at the mess that was left for us to clean up!!
As part of our rainbow study we learned about primary colours and how to mix them to make secondary colours. The children used the colours red, yellow and blue to make orange, green and purple for their painted rainbows.
The children also completed a directed drawing of a leprechaun to add to their rainbow. Take a look at the finished art project!!
We practiced our subitizing this week. The children identified numbers on a dice and recorded the numbers on a shamrock using a bingo dauber.
In Science the children participated in three different experiments that created rainbows. They were excited to see how to make a rainbow out of candy and what a rainbow looks like in a jar!
Rainbow Made From Skittles |
Walking Water- Colour Mixing Rainbow |
Rainbow in a Jar |
I wish all the families a restful and relaxing break and I look forward to seeing the children back at school on Monday March 28th and Tuesday March 29th.
Take Care!
Mrs. Mancini
March 11th, 2022
Happy Friday!!
Thank you to all the parents that booked a time for parent teacher conferences. It was a wonderful opportunity to discuss your child's progress in kindergarten.
Just a few reminders:
1. If you have not done so already, please make sure to log into Power School to print off a copy of your child's report card. Report cards were posted for parents in January. It is important for you to read about your child's progress from September to December.
2. As part of our 'All About Me' study in Social Studies I have asked parents to please email me both a baby picture of your child and a family photo. Please email me a copy of these pictures before Friday March 18th.
Next week we will be celebrating St. Patrick's day. As part of our celebration we will be building a leprechaun trap to see if we can catch a leprechaun. The kindergarten children brainstormed some items of what they think we will need to build our trap.
Here are the lists the children created:
Monday/Wednesday List |
Tuesday/ Thursday List |
Parents if you have any of these items in your house (e.g. paper towel rolls, gold glitter, an old lucky charm box, cotton balls etc) that you would like to donate we would be more than happy to use it when we build our trap. You do not need to go and buy any of the supplies. We are just looking for any old items that can be recycled in the classroom.
Thank you again for your support!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Mrs. Mancini
March 6th, 2022
What an exciting week we had in the kindergarten classroom. The children had so much fun celebrating the 100th day of school!!
Thank you to all the parents for all the amazing 100's Day T-Shirts that were created. The children were very excited to share with their classmates. Make sure to check out the art gallery for pictures of all the different shirts that were made.
The week was filled with lots of different 100's day activities. Check out the pictures below to see all the fun we had!
100 Second Challenge! How many times can we write our name in 100 seconds. |
100 Day Crowns! We stamped 100 dots (in groups of 10) using bingo daubers. |
We painted 100 dots in ten frames using Q-tips. |
Science Experiment How full will the jar get with 100 drops of water? |
100 Gumball Colouring (in groups of 10) |
100 Second Challenge! How many times can we write the alphabet in 100 seconds. |
We raced with a partner to 100 by practicing our subitizing. (reading the number of dots on a dice without counting) |
Dance Party with 100 Balloons! |
100 Exercises!! |
To end off the week the kindergarten kindness ninjas made an appearance. The children were able to spread some kindness into the Fairview community. They created water colour hearts with special messages. The children were very excited to hang their heart on the fence for the people in the school neighbourhood to see.
I look forward to meeting with all the parents this week during parent teacher conferences. Please make sure that you book a conference time to meet with me.
Mrs. Mancini
February 26th, 2022
Happy Saturday!
I can't believe we are heading into the last week of February. The month seemed to fly by! Next week we will celebrate the 100th Day of School. The children are very excited for our celebration. We have been working hard to count all the way up to 100.
Parents please make sure that your child has their 100's day t-shirt ready to wear on Wednesday March 2nd and Thursday March 3rd. The shirt will need to be worn with your child's navy blue uniform pants or navy skirt. Information regarding the 100's day t-shirt can be found on the BLOG (posted on February 13th). It is extremely important that parents are reading the BLOG regularly. This is where all communication is posted for the kindergarten classrooms.
I also wanted to send out a heart felt thank you to all the parents who sent in donations for our kindness cart over the last two weeks. The donations were overwhelming and the staff at Le Roi Daniels were so touched by your generosity. The kindergarten children did an amazing job delivering the treats to the staff. Their excitement to show kindness was pure joy!! We will continue to spread kindness acts throughout our school and community for the remainder of the school year. Stay tuned to see what the amazing Kindness Ninjas do next!!
This past week we did a lot of learning around Pink Shirt Day! We talked about why this day is so important. The children learned that Pink Shirt Day started because a student was bullied for wearing pink to school. As a class we talked about how both boys and girls can wear the colour pink. Pink is not meant just for girls. We then brainstormed some pink shirt day promises that would make our classroom a kind and safe place to learn and play with our classmates.
Give a compliment. |
Smile at someone. |
Share. |
Enjoy the rest of the weekend!
Mrs. Mancini
Thank you so much to the kindergarten students and the parents for all the beautiful cards and gifts that were sent to school for Valentine's Day. I was very touched by your generosity. The students were so excited to share the cards they made for their classmates. It was a very special day!
The children also completed a project called 'The Pieces of my Heart'. They got to choose four items that fill their heart with love. Check out their adorable pictures!
**Make sure to check out the art gallery to see all the beautiful hearts that were created.**
In literacy the students completed a directed drawing of Pete the Cat for our letter 'Pp' study. The children are also learning how to write sentences using capitals, periods, finger spaces and our weekly sight words.
The children were also introduced to Groundhog's Day, which is a silly event that has a Groundhog predict the weather. The children got to look at pictures of Groundhogs and see where they live. The kindergarten students also learned that every February 2nd a groundhog comes out of it's burrow to look for it's shadow. If the groundhog sees his shadow that means there will be six more weeks of winter. If the Groundhog does not see his shadow there will be an early Spring. Mrs. Mancini always hopes for an early Spring, but this year it looks like more winter is on its way!
As part of our Science learning the children became Shadow Detectives. They did an experiment to see what makes a shadow. They made Groundhog puppets and explored the different areas in the classroom to see if they could find their puppet's shadow. At the end of our experiment the students learned that you need light to make a shadow.
We also read the story 'Fill a Bucket' by Carol McCloud and Katherine Martin. This book teaches three rules about kindness:
The kindergarten students were very excited to make their own bucket. Over the next two weeks we will work as a class to try and fill each others buckets by showing different acts of kindness.
January 22nd, 2022
We finished our nocturnal animal study this week by learning about the porcupine. The kids learned that porcupines use their quills for protection and that they can't shoot their quills at their enemies. To end our study the children got to draw a detailed picture in their journal of their favourite nocturnal animal. Here are a few journal entries completed by the students:
The children got to review math concepts during centre time. We practiced sorting and counting!!
Next week we are going to start learning about hibernation. We are also going to discuss our learning goals for the new year!!
The kindergarten students have also been working hard at completing the kindness tasks that are left for them each day. Over the last week the students have practiced using their manners by saying 'please' and 'thank you', giving a compliment to someone by saying something kind, lending a helping hand with their classmates and picking up garbage off the classroom floor. We can't wait to see what tasks are left for us next week!!
The children also got to name the elves. Each class brainstormed some names and then we completed a class vote.
In math we continued our patterning centres. The kids are working on creating and labeling patterns using different materials.
For extra practice at home ask your child to create patterns with items that can be found around your house (e.g. shoes, socks, utensils, lego blocks playdoh, craft materials like pom poms etc). The kindergarten students need to understand that a pattern repeats itself and they have to be able to label the pattern with letters (e.g. ABAB, AAB, ABB, ABC, AABB).
In science, we started our nocturnal animal study. The children worked together to sort animals into two different groups. Animals that are nocturnal and animals that are diurnal. The kindergarten students learned that nocturnal animals are awake in the night time and diurnal animals are awake during the day time. Did you know that most people are diurnal!!
At the end of the week the children got to make their very own poppy to wear. They did a wonderful job and the poppies they made were beautiful. The students learned that when you wear a poppy you should wear it on your left hand side because you want to wear it close to your heart.
It was a very short week with lots of learning. I hope all the families have a wonderful long weekend and I look forward to seeing all the children next week!
Le Roi Daniels is currently doing an art fundraiser called 'Acorn Art'. The children created a beautiful painted rainbow with a self portrait. Parents please make sure to check your child's plastic folder for their art piece.
This week we learned about Diwali. We watched some videos and read some stories to learn about this very special celebration. Some of the children who celebrate Diwali came to school dressed in their beautiful Diwali clothing. They also got to share some of the traditions they do with their classmates.
Next week there is no school on Thursday and Friday due to Remembrance Day and a Professional Development Day for the teachers . Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday will be formal uniform days so please make sure that your child is wearing all pieces of the formal uniform.
The last part of our week was full of fun filled centres. The children got to use their imagination and creativity skills to create Frankensteins and Jack o' lanterns. They also got to design gates for the Five Little Pumpkins. Check out the pictures below.
The children got to listen to the story 'Creepy Carrots' by Aaron Reynolds.. We created our very own Creepy Carrots using our cutting and gluing skills. The students then got to use some of the building materials in the classroom to create a fence that would trap their Creepy Carrot inside.
As part of our literacy, the children have been introduced to the Mystery Box. The Mystery Box contains items that start with our letter of the week. This past week the items started with the letter 'o'. The children are practicing how to ask questions to find out what is inside the box (e.g. Is the item big or small? What colour is it? Is it an animal? What does it do? Where do you see it? etc). Once they gather enough information about the item the kids can make a guess of what is inside. This week we had two items. One item was an octopus and the second item was Olaf from the movie Frozen. The kids are very excited to ask their questions and make their guesses with this activity.
Parent reminder that there is no school on Monday due to a Professional Development Day for teachers.
After reading the stories the students got to create their very own thankful mat. They drew pictures of their families, friends that they have made in the kindergarten classroom, their classroom teacher, their houses, favourite foods and toys and of course a picture of themselves!! Below are a few the of the amazing mats that were created. Make sure to check out the art gallery to see all the mats created by the kindergarten students in Room 2.
Parents please make sure that your child brings a small or medium rock to school on Monday and Tuesday. This was part of the homework that was assigned from last week. We will be continuing our learning of Indigenous culture this week and the children will be completing a project with their rock.
The weather was beautiful this week so we also got to go on a fall hunt. The kindergarten children got to go for a walk around the perimeter of the school to see if they could spot any signs of fall. They did an excellent job pointing out all the colourful leaves they saw on the trees.
Both kindergarten classes also got to participate in the Le Roi Daniel's Terry Fox run. They did an amazing job running laps outside around the field. It was difficult to run for such a long time, but the kids showed determination. They kept running and never gave up. Just like Terry Fox!
Parents please make sure you have packed extra masks for your child and take the time to show your child where they can find the extra masks in their backpack. The school has a limited number of extra masks, so it is important that all students come to school with more than one mask for the day.
The kindergarten students are doing a fabulous job with showing independence during snack and lunch time. The children are able to open their snack/ lunch containers, eat their food and clean up their desk area when they are done. Just a friendly reminder for parents to please make sure that your child has enough food to last them for the entire day of school. School days are very long and we want to ensure that your child has enough healthy food to give them the energy they need to get through the day. Please do not pack chips, sugary cereals, chocolate or candy. We have discussed how important it is to bring healthy food such as fruits, vegetables, cheese, crackers, sandwiches etc because these types of foods will give the students the energy they need to learn. Thank you for your support.
Have a wonderful week!
September 12th
February 17th, 2022
This week was super short, but we sure had fun in Room 2!! We celebrated Valentine's Day and completed some random acts of kindness around the school. We wanted to make the staff at Le Roi Daniels feel loved and appreciated. The children used their secret Ninja skills to deliver some beautifully made cards and flowers. The Monday/Wednesday group got to load up the kindness cart with the generous donations from our kindergarten families. We then hit the hallways to offer treats and beverages to our amazing staff members. Next week the Tuesday/Thursday students will get to spread the love (down the other hallway of the school) with our kindness cart. The children can't wait!!
Thank you so much to the kindergarten students and the parents for all the beautiful cards and gifts that were sent to school for Valentine's Day. I was very touched by your generosity. The students were so excited to share the cards they made for their classmates. It was a very special day!
Please make sure to read the information on the BLOG regarding our 100's Day celebration. There is an at home project being assigned to all of the students for Wednesday March 2nd and Thursday March 3rd. The kindergarten teachers are asking all kindergarten students to create a shirt to wear on 100's Day. The shirt should show a collection of 100 items. There are lots of ideas online if you search on Pinterest or type '100 day shirt' into the google search engine. If you have any questions please email me.
Shirt Examples
Happy Family Day!
Mrs. Mancini
February 11th, 2022
Happy Friday Everyone! We had another great week in the kindergarten classroom.
Parent please make sure to check your school messenger. A couple messages were sent at the beginning of the week regarding Valentine's Day (class lists can be found in your child's plastic folder), the assembly for the Monday/Wednesday kindergarten students (practicing the Pink Shirt song) and Kindness Donations. If you have any questions regarding the information sent please email me.
Upcoming Important Dates:
Monday February 14th- Valentine Card Exchange for Monday/Wednesday students. Students can wear Valentine colours to school (red, white, pink).
Tuesday February 15th- Valentine Card Exchange for Tuesday/Thursday students. Students need to wear their formal uniform.
Thursday February 17th- Teachers Convention- No school for all students.
Friday February 18th- Teachers Convention- No school for all students.
Monday February 21st- Family Day- No school for all students.
Over the last couple of weeks the children have been learning about the importance of Pink Shirt Day and the virtue of kindness. The students in Room 2 have been transformed into Kindness Ninjas and we have been brainstorming ways that we can spread kindness into our classroom, school and our community.
Throughout the week we worked together to create kindness posters to hang around the school.
We also made flowers for the health care workers that are working hard to keep us healthy and safe.
The children are excited to spread love and kindness to the staff at Le Roi Daniels. Stay tuned to see what ideas the kindergarten children come up with.
In February we also focus on the feeling of love. The students got to share with the class how they feel loved at home. Here is what some of the children had to say:
Reyansh- I hear love when my mom says I love you. |
Olivia R- I taste love when my mom makes me cookies. |
Alice- I feel love when my daddy reads to me. **Make sure to check out the art gallery to see what all the students in Room 2 had to say.** |
The children also completed a project called 'The Pieces of my Heart'. They got to choose four items that fill their heart with love. Check out their adorable pictures!
Riti- I love apples, my dad, LOL dolls and colouring at school. |
Adam- I love strawberries, my baby brother, Batman and playing with Zidan. |
**Make sure to check out the art gallery to see all the beautiful hearts that were created.**
In literacy the students completed a directed drawing of Pete the Cat for our letter 'Pp' study. The children are also learning how to write sentences using capitals, periods, finger spaces and our weekly sight words.
Next week will be a fun and exciting week for the children. I look forward to celebrating Valentine's Day with them.
Enjoy the weekend!
Mrs. Mancini
February 4th, 2022
Happy Friday Room 2!!
We had a very short week this week, but it was full of learning!!
Parents please make sure to log into your Power School Account. Today is the last day to print a copy of your child's report card. Paper copies are no longer provided by the school.
This week we learned about Lunar New Year and Groundhog's Day!
For Lunar New Year the children learned that 2022 is the year of the Tiger. We also talked about the Chinese Zodiac signs and learned that most of the kindergarten students were born in the year of the Monkey, which means they have personality traits that show they are fun and energetic. We also had a few students who were born in the year of the goat. These students are creative and kind. We had fun making paper lanterns and a few students that celebrate Lunar New Year got to share some of their special traditions with the class.
The children were also introduced to Groundhog's Day, which is a silly event that has a Groundhog predict the weather. The children got to look at pictures of Groundhogs and see where they live. The kindergarten students also learned that every February 2nd a groundhog comes out of it's burrow to look for it's shadow. If the groundhog sees his shadow that means there will be six more weeks of winter. If the Groundhog does not see his shadow there will be an early Spring. Mrs. Mancini always hopes for an early Spring, but this year it looks like more winter is on its way!
As part of our Science learning the children became Shadow Detectives. They did an experiment to see what makes a shadow. They made Groundhog puppets and explored the different areas in the classroom to see if they could find their puppet's shadow. At the end of our experiment the students learned that you need light to make a shadow.
As part of our Character Education for the month of February the students at Le Roi Daniels will be focusing on gratitude. All students will be asked to think of something positive that happened in their school day and share it with the class. Here are some of the peaks that were shared during our sharing circle this week:
1. I loved making the paper lanterns.
2. I had fun playing with my friends.
3. My favourite thing was playing at the playground.
4. It was fun running in the gym.
5. I liked making the Groundhog puppet and looking for his shadow.
I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
Mrs. Mancini
January 30th, 2022
Happy Sunday!
This coming week is a short week filled with fun and exciting things to learn. The children will be learning about Groundhog's Day and Lunar New Year. The children will also be introduced to the letter 'Mm' and new sight words. Just a friendly reminder that there is no school for all students on Monday January 31st due to a professional development day for teachers.
This past week the students were introduced to learning goals. The children chose a learning goal that they would like to work on for the New Year. As a class we discussed what a learning goal is and then we brainstormed some different goals we could work on in school. The students got to draw a picture and write a sentence about their goal.
This year I want to clean up after myself. |
This year I want to try a new food. (broccoli) |
This year I want to share my toys. |
**Make sure to check out Room 2's art gallery to see all the different goals that were chosen by the kindergarten students.**
In Social Studies the children are learning about kindness. The kindergarten students participated in an activity called 'the wrinkled heart'. This activity shows the children what happens to a heart when someone acts mean or says unkind words. These behaviours wrinkle the heart and the wrinkles never go away, even if you apologize and say sorry. The children then got to place a bandaid on our class' wrinkled heart as a promise to always show kindness and never wrinkle someone else's heart.
We also read the story 'Fill a Bucket' by Carol McCloud and Katherine Martin. This book teaches three rules about kindness:
1. Be a bucket filler. Be kind.
2. Don't be a bucket dipper. Don't be mean.
3. Protect your bucket and the bucket of others.
As part of our indigenous culture study we went outside and participated in a sharing circle. The children took turns and talked about what kindness looks like, feels like and sounds like. The children were able to share some amazing ideas!!
1. Kindness is helping someone if they fall down.
2. Kindness is giving a hug to someone.
3. Kindness is kisses.
4. Kindness is drawing a picture for someone.
5. Kindness is saying something nice.
Parents from the Monday/Wednesday group please make sure that your child brings their pink shirt to school on Wednesday February 2nd.
Have a great week!
Mrs. Mancini
January 22nd, 2022
Happy Saturday! It's hard to believe that there is only one week left in January. The month seems to have flown by.
This past week we celebrated Martin Luther King Jr's birthday. The children learned that MLK was a very special man that wanted to make a change in the world. He wanted everyone to be treated equally no matter what colour skin you were born with.
The students learned about MLK by listening to stories and watching videos. We also completed an activity that showed the children that no matter what we look like on the outside we are all the same on the inside.
We finished our nocturnal animal study this week by learning about the porcupine. The kids learned that porcupines use their quills for protection and that they can't shoot their quills at their enemies. To end our study the children got to draw a detailed picture in their journal of their favourite nocturnal animal. Here are a few journal entries completed by the students:
The children got to review math concepts during centre time. We practiced sorting and counting!!
Working on our fine motor and counting skills using hole punches. |
Ten frame stamp counting. |
Sorting letters in our names. |
Next week we are going to start learning about hibernation. We are also going to discuss our learning goals for the new year!!
Enjoy the rest of the weekend!
Mrs. Mancini
January 16th
Happy New Year!
I am so happy to be back in the classroom with the students. I missed them very much over the break!
This week we reviewed school routines and expectations. I was pleasantly surprised to see how much the children remembered after being away for three weeks. I am so proud of them!
In literacy, we continued with our alphabet work. We learned about the letter 'i' and all the different sounds that it makes. If your child is struggling with letter names and sounds please continue to review all the letters that have been taught as part of the nightly homework. It is extremely important that your child has a strong understanding of these concepts as we move into the next term. Over the month of January, the children will be introduced to 'kid writing'. This process allows your child to use their understanding of letter sounds to sound out words that they need for their journal work. This coming week the children are also being introduced to 'sight words', so please make sure to read the information that is posted on the BLOG.
In science, we continued with our nocturnal animal study. We learned about the skunk. To see what your child learned ask them to tell you one fun fact that they learned about skunks (e,g, baby skunks are called kits, skunks live in dens, skunks spray when they are scared, skunks eat insects, fruit and mice). Next week we will finish our study by learning about the porcupine. The children have had fun reading books and watching videos about all these amazing animals.
In math, the children learned about measurement. They got to find items in the classroom that were longer and shorter than a popsicle stick. They also got to use counting bears to measure their foot print. Next week we will do some measurement around the number of letters in our names.
We had a busy, but fun filled week. I look forward to seeing all the kids on Monday and Tuesday.
Mrs. Mancini
December 18th
Parents make sure to check out our classroom's art gallery. Over the month of December the kindergarten children completed a self portrait of what they would look like as an Elf, patterned Christmas lights and they created their very own Gingerbread Person.
We had lots of fun completing these special projects!
December 11th
I can't believe there is only one week left before the winter break!! This first term has flown by and the kindergarten students have worked so hard and learned so much. I am very proud of all the progress I am seeing in the classroom!
This past week our kindness elves continued to visit our classroom. The kindergarten students look forward to looking for the elves when they arrive at school each morning.
Peppermint was spotted in our alphabet centre. He was hiding in the letter 'P' pocket! |
Elfie was spotted on our classroom bulletin board. He photocopied pictures of himself and hung them with the elf art. |
The kindergarten students have also been working hard at completing the kindness tasks that are left for them each day. Over the last week the students have practiced using their manners by saying 'please' and 'thank you', giving a compliment to someone by saying something kind, lending a helping hand with their classmates and picking up garbage off the classroom floor. We can't wait to see what tasks are left for us next week!!
In math we continued learning about patterns. The kindergarten children got to create patterns in their elf self portraits and in their Christmas light displays. They did an amazing job!!
In literacy we are doing a Gingerbread study. We have read all different kinds of gingerbread books. The students look forward to story time and make predictions of whether or not the Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Girl, Gingerbread Baby or Gingerbread Cowboy will be eaten! We are learning how to make predictions and answer who, what, where, when and why questions. The children are also completing sequencing activities by putting pictures of the story in order.
Parents please make sure to check out the main page of the BLOG. There is a list posted of fun theme days that will take place for each day next week,
I look forward to a fun filled week with the children!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! I hope everyone has a restful and relaxing winter break!
Mrs. Mancini
December 4th
It's hard to believe we are already into the first week of December!! Winter break is coming very quickly with only two weeks left of classes for this term. Just a reminder that the last day of classes for students is December 17th and the students will return on Tuesday January 4th. Make sure to mark these dates on your calendar.
Le Roi Daniels is currently collecting non-perishable food items for the Food Bank. We will be collecting these items until Friday December 13th. If you wish to make a donation please send it with your child next week. If we are able to collect enough items the kindergartens in Room 2 would like to do some math activities with the food collected (e.g counting, sorting and patterning). Please make sure that any food that is sent to the school is not opened or expired. Some suggestions could be boxes of macaroni and cheese, crackers or granola bars, cans of soup, vegetables, fruit, beans, or tuna, jars of peanut butter, juice boxes, bags of pasta or rice. We thank you in advance for your donations!
This past week we had two very special visitors come to Room 2. They are kindness elves that would like to spread kindness in the kindergarten classroom. Each day the elves will leave a kindness task for the students to complete. We are very excited to see what they bring next week.
The Monday/Wednesday children chose the name Peppermint. |
The Tuesday/Thursday children chose the name Elfie. |
We are so happy to have the elves as part of our classroom community for the next two weeks!!
In Science this week we continued our study of nocturnal animals. We have studied the owl and the bat. To see what your child learned this week please see if they can answer the questions below:
1. What does nocturnal mean?
2. What helps an owl fly quietly in the night?
3. What is special about an owl's neck?
4. Bat's do not have good eye sight so what do they use to help them see in the night?
5. How does a bat sleep?
This coming week we will continue our nocturnal study and learn about the skunk and the porcupine.
In Social Studies the children worked on their Favourite Day of the Year project. The students had to draw a picture of their favourite day. They then had to share why it was their favourite day and how it made them feel. The pictures they drew were amazing and I am so proud of all the writing they did!!
Riti- Diwali |
Avir- Birthday ** Make sure to check out the student art gallery to see all the fabulous drawings!** |
In math we continued our patterning centres. The kids are working on creating and labeling patterns using different materials.
For extra practice at home ask your child to create patterns with items that can be found around your house (e.g. shoes, socks, utensils, lego blocks playdoh, craft materials like pom poms etc). The kindergarten students need to understand that a pattern repeats itself and they have to be able to label the pattern with letters (e.g. ABAB, AAB, ABB, ABC, AABB).
Homework will look a little different for the next two weeks. Please make sure to read and complete the activities that have been assigned for each day.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Mrs. Mancini
November 26th
I want to thank all the parents that booked a time to come and see me during Parent Teacher conferences on Thursday and Friday. It was so nice to see you and touch base with you regarding your child's transition into kindergarten.
Just a few recaps:
1. Please make sure to email me a picture of your child's favourite day of the year by Sunday November 28th. I would like to begin our Social Studies project on Monday and Tuesday of this coming week. The picture can include siblings and other family members. Please take the time to discuss the picture with your child so they can share details with their classmates about their favourite day.
2. Library has been changed back to Monday for all the Monday/Wednesday students. Please ensure that your child returns their library book every Monday. I apologize about all the schedule changes over the last few weeks.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Mrs. Mancini
November 20th
Just a few reminders for parents:
1. Please make sure that you have booked your parent teacher conference. Conferences will take place on Thursday November 25th and Friday November 26th. An email with instructions of how to book was sent to all the parents from the school. Please make sure that you have booked a time to talk about your child's EYE results and how they are transitioning into kindergarten. If you have not booked a time and are having difficulty booking your appointment please call the school and speak with one of the secretaries.
2. Because of interviews this coming week there will be no school on Thursday November 25th and Friday November 26th.
3. Please make sure to read the BLOG on Sunday. We will be completing a Social Studies project over the next two weeks that will require parent participation. I would like you to email me ONE picture of your child celebrating their favourite day of the year (e.g. birthday, cultural celebration, first day of school, Pi Day, Halloween etc). I will print the photos at school and the children will share their photo with the class. Please make sure to talk about the picture with your child before you email it to me. It is important that when it is your child's time to share they can explain why they have chosen their picture. An email with the project information has also been sent to all parents. If you have any questions please make sure to read the information on the BLOG and in the email.
4. As it continues to get colder outside please make sure that your child is dressed for the weather. Please have your child continue to practice dressing at home to build their independence. We have been practicing in the classroom by following the steps that are on our 'How to Dress for Winter' poster. Zipping up jackets and mittens on last are the most important steps when getting ready to go outside.
5. Library for the Monday/Wednesday class has changed back to Mondays. Parents please make sure that your child returns their book every Monday so that they can take out a new book during library exchange. The Tuesday/Thursday class will remain on Tuesdays.
Over the month of November we have been focusing on friendship. Particularly how to make friends and what kinds of behaviour do we have to show to be a good friend. We have read books and had class discussions in a sharing circle of what being a good friend looks like, sounds like and feels like.
Here are what some of the students shared during our sharing circle:
Muzon- you can make friends if you say 'Can I play with you?'
Senara- help a friend if they drop their pencil
Maella- help a friend clean up the toys
Sristi- help a friend do up their zipper
Mathew- say yes if someone asks you to play
Shivaditya- ask 'Will you be my friend?'
Absiola- ask someone to play with you
Alice- share the tub toys
Olivia R- play with other kids
Leanne- do not hurt someone's feelings
We also completed a friendship activity that allowed the students to draw pictures of the friends they have made in kindergarten and also kids who they would like to be friends with. The drawings they did were amazing and the children were even able to write their friend's names by coping it from their name plate.
We will continue to talk about friendship throughout the school year and connect it to our character virtues and feelings study.
Here are some questions you can ask your child to see what they learned this week:
1. What does nocturnal mean?
2. What does diurnal mean?
3. Are most people nocturnal or diurnal?
4. Tell two animals that are nocturnal.
5. Tell two animals that are diurnal.
This coming week will be a short week. Please make sure that your child brings their library book to school on library day. I look forward to talking to all the parents during parent teacher conferences.
Enjoy the rest of the weekend!
Mrs. Mancini
November 10th
This past week the students learned about Remembrance Day! We talked about the brave soldiers that fought in the war to protect Canada and keep our country safe and free.
We read the story 'The Peace Book' by Todd Parr and drew pictures in our journals of things that are peaceful and make us feel good inside. We also created beautiful poppies to add to our writing.
Peace is when I see butterflies. |
Peace is playing with my stuffies. |
**make sure to check out our classroom's art gallery to see all the wonderful journal entries**
The kindergarten children also learned that Mrs. Steiger's 99 year old grandfather fought in the war. As a class we created a thank you card and sent it to him in the mail. We wanted to thank him for being so brave.
The students also got to create poppies using loose parts found in the classroom. Check out some of the amazing creations!!
At the end of the week the children got to make their very own poppy to wear. They did a wonderful job and the poppies they made were beautiful. The students learned that when you wear a poppy you should wear it on your left hand side because you want to wear it close to your heart.
It was a very short week with lots of learning. I hope all the families have a wonderful long weekend and I look forward to seeing all the children next week!
Mrs. Mancini
November 6th
Happy November!! You would never guess it was November with all the beautiful weather we are having!
This past week we finished up our pumpkin study. The children completed pumpkin sketches and we reviewed characteristics of a pumpkin.
Here is what some of the children shared:
- Pumpkins are orange
- Pumpkins are round
- You can make pumpkin pie
- Pumpkins grow in a pumpkin patch on a vine
- Pumpkins have seeds inside them
- Pumpkins are bumpy and have lines on them
The children also got to help count how many seeds were inside the class pumpkins. We used ten frames to make counting easier.
We got to practice counting by 10's. |
The pumpkin from the Monday/Wednesday class had 226 seeds. The pumpkin from the Tuesday/Thursday class had 227. That's a difference of only 1 seed!!! |
In the past, parents have ordered placemats, mousepads, calendars and cards. The items are beautifully done and make great gifts. Please make sure to place an order before the deadline of November 14th.
For more information please make sure to read the email that was sent from the school to all parents on Thursday November 4th. All funds raised will go towards outdoor recess equipment and in school field trips.
This week we learned about Diwali. We watched some videos and read some stories to learn about this very special celebration. Some of the children who celebrate Diwali came to school dressed in their beautiful Diwali clothing. They also got to share some of the traditions they do with their classmates.
Next week there is no school on Thursday and Friday due to Remembrance Day and a Professional Development Day for the teachers . Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday will be formal uniform days so please make sure that your child is wearing all pieces of the formal uniform.
I still have two YM (youth medium) green cardigan sweaters that are unclaimed in the classroom. If your child is missing their sweater please email me as soon as possible. All students need to be wearing all the pieces of the formal uniform to receive a sticker on the uniform wall.
Have a wonderful weekend! Enjoy the beautiful weather!
Mrs. Mancini
October 29th
What a fun filled week we had in the kindergarten classroom. I was so happy to see so many kindergarten students attend the Halloween Celebration on Friday. The kids were so excited to see their friends in the other kindergarten classrooms and they loved showing off their Halloween costumes.
Over the week we completed many Halloween and Fall activities.
In Science we continued our Fall investigation. The kindergarten students learned about pumpkins.
We learned:
- pumpkin seeds are planted in the spring
- pumpkins grow on a vine in a pumpkin garden
- pumpkins are different sizes
- pumpkins are picked in the Fall
- pumpkins have seeds
- pumpkins have brown stems
As a class we completed a pumpkin study. We took the pumpkin and measured how tall it was with linking blocks. We measured how big around it was with links. We counted the lines on our pumpkin and then we did an experiment to see if pumpkins sink or float. The kids were very surprised to learn that pumpkins actually float even though they are very heavy!!
Measuring with links. |
Is this pumpkin really floating?? |
When we were finished our pumpkin study we did a class vote to see what kind of face we should give our pumpkin. Our graph shows that most kids voted for a happy face.
Here is our HAPPY face jack o' lantern!!! |
The kindergartens also became scientists this week and completed a candy corn experiment. We wanted to see what would happen when we put candy corn into water, seltzer water and vinegar. Look what happened!!
The candy corn disappeared and we saw bubbles. |
Frankenstein Creation |
Silly Jack o' lantern!! |
Parents please check out the picture below. I still have 4 unclaimed sweaters in the classroom with no names. Please email me if your child is missing a sweater. All children need a green cardigan sweater for Formal Uniform days. I will keep the sweaters in my room until Monday after school. If I do not hear from anyone all the sweaters will be placed in the lost and found.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Mrs. Mancini
October 24th
The Monday/Wednesday library day has been switched and the children will now have library on Wednesday. Please make sure that your child returns their book on this day so that they can get a new one. The children are disappointed when they are not able to take a new book home.
The Tuesday/ Thursday library day will remain the same. The children will still have library on Tuesday.
I have three green TLC cardigans currently in my room with no names labelled inside the sweaters. These green sweaters are needed for Formal Uniform Day. If any of these sweaters belong to your child please email me. You will also need to email the size of the sweater. If the sweaters are not claimed by the end of this week I will place them in the school lost and found.
Please read the following reminders:
- Please make sure that your child is drawing and printing in pencil. Pictures should be coloured in crayon (not markers).
- Have your child watch the letter formation and sound videos BEFORE starting the homework.
- The dot that is placed on the worksheet is a starting point for your child. This is where your child places their pencil before they start printing the letter.
- Ensure that your child is drawing and colouring all their own pictures. Parents can model on a separate piece of paper, but should not be drawing on the printing sheet.
- There should be two different pictures drawn each week. If a letter has more than one sound please have your child draw a picture for each sound (e.g. apple and acorn, octopus and oval or crayon and Cinderella). There are many videos online that give examples of items for each sound.
This past week we have been working on some Halloween activities. The kids participated in Halloween number centres. The children have been working on representing numbers in ten frames. They have also been introduced to subitizing using dice (identifying a number of objects without counting).
As part of our character learning the children were introduced to the feeling of being 'cranky'. The children listened to a book called 'Crankenstein'. It is about a little boy that identifies all the things that make him cranky. When he is cranky he turns into a mumbling, grumbling Crankenstein. The students then completed a directed drawing of what they would look like if they turned into 'Crankenstein'. When they were finished they had to share something that makes them cranky.
**The Mon/Wed students still need to complete this activity. Once it is completed this week please make sure to check out the art gallery for all the adorable Crankensteins.**
Melissa- I feel cranky when I have to go to the doctor when I'm sick. |
Riti- I feel cranky when I wake up early in the morning. |
Ishana- I feel cranky when I have to clean up my room. |
Maella |
Valentina |
Tomisin |
**Make sure to check out the art gallery to see all the creative fences that were built by the kindergarten students.**
This week will be a very exciting and fun filled week! I am looking forward to seeing all the kids on Friday for our Halloween celebration. If your child will NOT be attending on Friday please make sure to email me as soon as possible.
Happy Halloween!
Mrs. Mancini
October 16th
Monday/Wednesday students have library every Monday (unless there is no school, then library will be on Wednesday).
Tuesday/Thursday students have library every Tuesday.
I am asking parents to please remove the library book from your child's backpack when it comes home. Please have your child return their book only on library day.
As part of our continued learning of Indigenous culture we read a book this past week called Trudy's Healing Stone by Trudy Spiller. As a class we learned that when we are feeling sad, angry, frustrated or disappointed it is important to talk about our feelings. The book then describes to the reader how you can use a special rock from Mother Earth to share your feelings.
The kindergarten students got to bring a rock to school and paint it using special paint pens. We will then use the rocks throughout the school year to share our feelings with our classmates. When the school year is done the children will return their rocks back to Mother Earth so they can share their special rock with someone else who needs it.
In Math, we have been working on our number identification, number formation and counting using one to one correspondence. The children are working on these concepts in their Halloween counting book. Everyday we read a page from the book '13 Ghosts of Halloween' by Robin Muller. The children get to predict what Halloween character we will draw next. The students are really enjoying this activity.
Please make sure to read the main page of the BLOG regarding the EYE assessment that will take place over the next few weeks.
Have a wonderful week!
Mrs. Mancini
October 11th
Happy Thanksgiving!
This past week the kindergarten children learned about 'Thanksgiving'. As a class we discussed that not everyone celebrates Thanksgiving by eating turkey, but we can celebrate by showing gratitude. We learned that Thanksgiving to a holiday that allows us to spend time with our families and to be thankful for all the special things in our lives. During our classroom discussion some of the students shared these ideas:
- I am thankful for my mom and dad.
- I am thankful for my spiderman toy.
- I am thankful for spaghetti.
- I am thankful for all my friends and my school.
The children got to listen to a variety of thankful books such as 'The Thankful book' by Todd Parr and 'Thanks for Thanksgiving' by Julie Markes.
After reading the stories the students got to create their very own thankful mat. They drew pictures of their families, friends that they have made in the kindergarten classroom, their classroom teacher, their houses, favourite foods and toys and of course a picture of themselves!! Below are a few the of the amazing mats that were created. Make sure to check out the art gallery to see all the mats created by the kindergarten students in Room 2.
1. Please make sure that your child brings their rock to school this week if they have not done so yet. We are asking that all rocks be brought to school by Tuesday and Wednesday. Thank you to all the parents who have already sent rocks to school.
2. Our library days are scheduled on Monday and Tuesday of every week. Please make sure that your child returns their book on these days. Please do not keep your child's book in their backpack as it can get damaged. Books should be removed from the backpack until library day.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Have a wonderful week!
Mrs. Mancini
October 3rd
It is hard to believe that September is over and we are already into the month of October!!
This past week was a very important week as the kindergarten students were introduced to the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. The children were taught about residential schools and the importance of Orange Shirt day. We had a class discussion of how students should feel 'happy', 'excited' and 'joy' when they come to school. We brainstormed things that make students happy like playing with new friends, drawing and colouring, learning new things, singing in music class, running in gym class and playing at the playground.
We then talked about how students that had to go to residential schools felt 'sad', 'angry' and 'scared' because they had to leave their families and they weren't allowed to speak their language or do special things that were important to their culture.
We also talked about the story of Phyllis' Orange Shirt and how she had her special orange shirt taken away from her when she went to school. After talking about the importance of September 30th and Orange Shirt Day the kindergarten students signed their name on an orange shirt that allowed them to make a promise to always show kindness at school.
Throughout the week the kindergarten children also got to listen to a variety of Indigenous stories.
Parents please make sure that your child brings a small or medium rock to school on Monday and Tuesday. This was part of the homework that was assigned from last week. We will be continuing our learning of Indigenous culture this week and the children will be completing a project with their rock.
A friendly reminder that all parents will be required to print off the homework description and printing pages this week. Parents please make sure that you are reading the homework description so you know what items are assigned each day. Please make sure that the printing page is hole punched and placed in your child's duotang. Your child's homework duotang and plastic folder must be returned on the days that your child attends school (not just on Fridays). If you have any questions please make sure to send me an email.
Enjoy the fall weather!
Mrs. Mancini
September 25th
This week was a short and busy week!
In science the kindergarten students learned about fall. We have started talking about the different seasons we experience throughout the year. We read a few books and learned that the leaves change colour in the fall and that another name for fall is autumn.
This week the students were introduced to the Canadian athlete, Terry Fox. We learned that he was a very special man that wanted to find a cure for cancer. The children were fascinated to learn that he could run with only one leg. We had a class discussion about how Terry Fox demonstrated the virtue of determination. He wanted to run across Canada, even though it was very hard. The kindergarten students then drew a picture in their journal of how they show determination. Check out some of the journal entries below!!
I show determination when I try to tie my shoes- Melissa
I show determination when I try to skip with my skipping rope- Ishana
I show determination when I climb and jump from trees- Adeja
I show determination when I run fast- Shivaditya
Thank you to all the parents who sent in a donation. Our class was able to raise $34 for Terry Fox's Marathon of Hope.
Room 2 kindergartens have also been reviewing the importance of hand washing and mask wearing. We have read stories about germs and how they are invisible, so it is important to use sanitizer and soap and water to clean our hands. We also need to wear a clean mask over our nose and mouth to keep us safe and healthy.
Don't forget to check out our classroom art gallery. The children were able to create their very own mask art! They also have been practicing their fine motor skills and got to colour and cut out the famous 'Pigeon' from 'The Pigeon' books written by Mo Willem!
Enjoy the last week of September!
Mrs. Mancini
September 19th
We had an amazing first full week of school. It was exciting as the children attended music class with Mrs. Hawkins. The Monday/Wednesday students also got to experience their very first fire drill. They did a wonderful job listening to the teacher and exiting the school quickly and quietly. We also had a class discussion of why we have fire drills at school.
Over the week we continued to work on our fine motor skills. We did a number of cutting activities and also worked on printing and identifying our names. Many students know how to print their name using all uppercase letters. This is wonderful to see!! Over the coming weeks we will practice printing our names using a capital at the beginning and lowercase for the remaining letters.
Parents often ask their child 'What did you do at school today?'
The most common responses are 'I don't know', 'nothing' or 'I don't remember'. If you want to learn more about what your child is doing in school try asking one of these questions.
1. What was the most exciting thing you did at school today?
2. What is something that frustrated you?
3. What is the one new thing that you learned at school today?
4. What did you do in gym class?
5. What stories did Mrs. Mancini read to you? Tell me what the stories were about?
6. What is the poem of the week?
7. What letter are you learning this week? What is the name? What sound does it make?
8. What songs did you sing in music class?
9. Name one friend you talked to at school today?
10. Who was the special helper?
11. Who did you sit beside during desk work?
12. Tell me something that made you excited at school?
13. Tell me your favourite thing that you did at school today?
14. Tell me the names of your friends?
15. Who did you play with at lunch recess?
16. What was the most fun thing you did at school today?
17. What made you smile today?
18. Who did you play with/talk to today?
19. What was the hardest thing you did today?
20. What story did Mrs. O'Neill read to you during library?
Mrs. Mancini
Welcome to Mrs. Mancini's Room 2 kindergarten blog page!!
Parents please make sure to check both my page and the main page of the BLOG regularly for weekly updates and communication of what is happening in our classroom and at Le Roi Daniels Elementary school.
On my page of the kindergarten BLOG I will also post pictures of activities and assignments that the kindergarten children have completed throughout the week. Art projects will also be posted in Room 2's Art Gallery so be sure to check out that section to see your child's art work.
This week the kindergarten children have been working on following classroom routines and school wide expectations. We read the story 'David Goes to School' by David Shannon to see how David is showing unexpected behaviour in his classroom, and then as a class we discussed what David can do to show expected behaviour at school. The kindergarten students did an amazing job with this activity!
We are also learning how to walk in a line, raise our hand if we would like to share our thoughts during classroom discussions and how to show whole body listening when the teacher is teaching. We will continue to practice these routines throughout the month of September.
Thank you to all the parents who attended the virtual Kindergarten Orientation Meeting on Thursday evening. It was nice to touch base with you all. Parents who were not able to attend the meeting please make sure to go over the Powerpoint presentation to see what was discussed. The link to the presentation can be found on the main page of the BLOG. If there are any questions regarding the information that was presented please make sure to email me at srmancini@cbe.ab.ca.
Homework for the kindergarten students begins this Monday and Tuesday. Your child will receive their homework package in their plastic folder. Homework duotangs will not go home until the week of September 20th. Please keep this plastic folder in your child's backpack as it will be used to transport the homework back and forth to school. The plastic folder will protect the homework from any spills that may occur from your child's lunch kit or water bottle.
**For this week's homework assignment your child will need a pair of scissors to complete some cutting activities. If you need to purchase child sized scissors, they can be found at Walmart and Dollarama.**
Parent reminder that for the month of September your child's homework assignment will be printed for you at the school. Starting the first week in October all parents will be required to print off the homework assignment at home. The homework assignment will then need to be hole-punched and placed in the blue homework duotang.
Formal uniform day is every Monday and Tuesday of the week. Please read the information on the main page for uniform expectations. Please make sure that your child is wearing a white dress shirt with a collar (that has buttons that go all the way down the shirt), not a polo shirt (with only three buttons at the top of the shirt). Children who wear the navy blue dress pants will also need to wear dark blue or black socks. The socks cannot have a pattern or any additional colours on them.
Thank you for your cooperation and support. Again if you have any questions please email me at srmancini@cbe.ab.ca.
Have a wonderful week!
Mrs. Mancini