February 6th 2022


    We've made it to February, and it's the month of Valentines Day! This year the students will be able to exchange valentines at school. Please make sure that if you are going to participate in the exchange to  make a card for every student in the class, as we want all children included. Your child's teacher will send home a letter in their folder this week with a list of names so you can start working on them. 

    This is a great opportunity for some extra printing practice at home! Please remind your child to practice proper printing formation and only use an uppercase letter at the beginning of the name and then the rest are lowercase. They may also use some of the sight words they've learned in their writing as well! We look forward to celebrate on February 14 and 15 with all of our students!

PINK SHIRT DAY ASSEMBLY (Monday/Wednesday Students Only)

    This month on Pink Shirt Day (Wednesday February 23rd), the Monday/Wednesday Kindergarten students will be putting on the assembly. Tuesday/Thursday students will be working on their assembly during March, so please look forward to information then! 
     Thank you very much for all the pink shirts brought into school to help with the filming of this assembly! If you haven't brought one yet, please make sure to send one by Monday this week. The students will be wearing them for any part they are filming in the assembly to represent the day. They will begin filming their assembly this week in class so they must have a pink shirt at school to record. Thank you so much for all your help with this! 


  Another way you can help is by practicing the 'My Pink Shirt' song with them at home. The students are working hard in music class and their classrooms to learn the song at school, but extra time spent at home would definitely help :) Please click the title below to view the song for practice!

For song link, please click--->   MY PINK SHIRT

Thank you so much!

The Kindergarten Team