April 22nd, 2022

Thank you to all the parents who came to the Willy Wonka performance on Thursday evening. The kindergarten students did an amazing job with their singing and should be very proud of all their hard work. It was wonderful to see all the children and meet all the parents face to face!

As you are aware from our post on April 10th, the kindergarten classes will be going on a field trip to the Calgary Zoo in one week. The Monday/Wednesday students will be going on Monday May 2nd and the Tuesday/Thursday students will be going on Thursday May 5th. Permission forms have been send home in your child's plastic folder. Please make sure to fill out the form completely and send it back to school as soon as possible.

We are still looking for volunteers so, if you are available please contact your child's classroom teacher. If you would like to volunteer, but do not have a current police clearance through the school board please contact the school office as soon as possible. The school secretaries can assist you with the process. 

We are looking forward to taking the kids on their first official field trip! 

It will be a very exciting day!

The Kindergarten Team