September 5th, 2021 


Hello Kindergarten Families! 


It was so great to meet everyone last week! On Friday our Monday/Wednesday students had their official first day of school and we are so excited to welcome our Tuesday/Thursday students for their first day this week! 


The kindergarten team wanted to share a few reminders as we begin the school year. 


Virtual Meet the Teacher

 Reminder that virtual meet the teacher is on Thursday September 9that 6:30pm. The presentation will be delivered via Google Meet so please make sure you log in using your child’s account information that was provided at staggered entry. We will be going over homework expectations and other important information so please make sure you attend. Once you have logged in, please type your child’s name in the chat box so that we can mark attendance. You can also ask any questions that you have in the chat box and we will answer them at the end of the presentation. We are asking all parents to keep their microphones muted so that everyone can hear. If you have more than one child in the school, there will be another presentation at 7pm. We are encouraging all kindergarten parents to attend the 6:30pm session so that if you have questions we have enough time to answer them without being rushed. You can attend your older child’s presentation at 7pm with their teacher. 


Uniform Reminders 

Reminder that every child must have ALL black shoes to keep at school to be worn with their uniform. These shoes should not have any white or other colour markings on them (logos are okay if they are black). Your child should be coming to school in regular outdoor shoes and then changing into their black shoes when they enter the classroom. Black shoes stay in the classroom until the end of the year. 


Your child also requires a pair of indoor sneakers for gym class. These do not need to be black but must be suitable for running. These are also kept at school until the end of the year. 


Finally, a reminder about formal uniform. Formal uniform is worn every Monday and Tuesday depending on what day your child attends school. Please make sure your child is wearing all pieces of their formal uniform each week so that we do not need to call home. If you have any questions about formal uniform, please email your child’s teacher. 


Formal uniform pieces: 

-      Green TLC cardigan (not the vest) 

-      White dress shirt with a collar (not a golf shirt) 

-      Green TLC tartan tunic OR TLC tartan tie 

-      Navy dress pants OR navy tights (with the tunic) 

-      Black socks if wearing pants 

-      All black shoes 

As the school year starts, the kindergarten teachers look forward to getting to know all of your children and learning what they like, and how they learn best. To help us do that, we are asking you to email your child's teacher one thing that your child is looking forward to about kindergarten, or one thing that you (or your child) hope your child learns this year. We appreciate you taking the time to read the blog and emailing us so that we can begin connecting with your child and have an amazing year! 

-The Kindergarten Team